Thursday 4th January 2018  The first game of the New Year we played a Yellow Peril Team game with 52 players taking part.  The weather was very warm and pleasant resulting in some excellent scores.   Congratulations to the winning team captained by Pete Gartside. 

1st P. Gartside, A. Lawson, J. Fairhurst, J. Cross 151 pts

2nd P. Perito, R. Richards, R. Porter, M. Reeve 145pts.

3rd T. Forbes, I. Pegg, G. Manning, C. Daye Gretton 142pts.

NTP’s:    5th S, Forbes , 11th T. Forbes ,  12th (in two) P. Gartside , 15th S. Forbes, 17th J. Cross                   

Football Draw:  A. Crammon 9, S. Horne 12, P. Manning 46, D. Nicholls 60, Grierson 90.

Tuesday 2nd January 2018 Another good turnout for our first Toffs game of 2018.  Well done to all our prize winners, especially Arty Crammon, our overall winner this week.

Results were as follows:

Overall Winner:  A. Crammon 40pts.

Cat. 1: 1st A. Crammon 40pts, 2nd F. Mallon 35pts, 3rd A. Cowley 34pts. 

Cat. 2:  1st S. Sayers 39pts , 2nd C. Horne 36pts, 3rd J. Fairhurst  34pts.

Cat. 3:  1st J. Lynch 33pts (c/b), 2nd M. Reeve 33pts (c/b), 3rd P. Venables 32pts.

Cat. 4:  1st B. Jones 40pts, 2nd S. Pegg 39pts, P. Sanderson 30pts.

NTP’s:  5th F. Mallon, 11th S. Sayers, 12th (in two) D. Nicholls,

15th T. Forbes,  17th P. Manning.            CBA: 0

Best Front 9: J. Kirkwood 17pts.          Best Back 9:  M. Welsh 18pts.

Football Draw: L. Lynch 3, F. Reeve 90, A. Crammon 9, R. Richards 46, T Forbes 89.

Finally, best wishes to all our members and families, especially those who aren’t feeling too good at the moment, let’s look forward to a happy and healthy 2018.

If you would like more information about our friendly Societies please visit our website

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