On Thursday 3rd May Eurogolf played a Texas scramble with a shotgun start at 8am. After the game there was a delicious subsided lunch in the Clubhouse followed by a charity auction in aid of Caritas.

It was the best day this year weather wise and the winners certainly enjoyed the sunshine. Coming in with an amazing score of 58.8 was the team of David Gregson, Norman Woods, Sandie Crab and Pam Cook 2nd John Barraclough, Bob Shorley, Bert Lawson and Jean Goodwin  60.7 while 3rd was Glen Roberts, Mark Williams, Linda Lynch and John Hill 62.9  

NTP´s 5th Glen Roberts 11th  Barry Wilson 12th in 2  John Fairhurst 15th Robin Richards 17th Sue Walsh Football draw Petra Van Dorp, Colin Daye-Gretton, David Valentine, Colin Hobden and Ian Turner.


On Tuesday 1st May Toffs  played their usual stableford competition and the results were overall winners 1st Jack Simpson 42 2nd Morag Turner  37 c/b 3rd Ken Brett 37 4th John Hill 36 Cat 1 1st Bill Martin 36 2nd Felix Mallon 35 Cat 2 1st David Blanchette 36 2nd Geoff Evans 35

Cat 3 1st Eamonn Divine 35 2nd Clare Daye-Gretton 33 NTP´s  5th  Ken Enever  11thDiane Bailey  12th in 2 David Blanchette  15th John Barraclough  17th Chris Stanley Best front 9 Karen Simpson 20 Best back 9 Stan Low 20  Football draw Ken Brett Norman Woods Lauraine Walker T O´Connell and Chris Stanley.



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