Today 20th September Montgo Golf Society played a Rose Bowl competition. Our sponsor was our good friend Mr Paul Tolley (Teaching Professional at Oliva Nova).

The course at Oliva Nova is undergoing quite a lot of maintenance therefore the fairways were not in as good a condition as they could be. The weather today was very sultry we did however manage to avoid any rain.

The winner was Dennis Hammond with a nett 72 beaten into 2nd place on countback was Peter Gardiner, 3rd place went to Richard Fox with nett 73 and 4th place was Mick Farmer with a nett 74.

A special mention goes to Ilona Mathieu one of our guests who scored an excellent nett 71. Our other guest was Nicholas Gleeson.

Nearest the pins went to Peter Gardiner on the 3rd and Sue Burman on the 16th.

Our competition next week is the MGS Decanter (Medal) sponsored by Marion & Neil Carter.


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