This month saw twenty-one players take a shorter journey to Alenda golf course we met at the course an hour before the game to sort the green fees out get the buggies and have a coffee along with the usual banter that golfers love to give out to each other.

The course was in superb condition as after the hollow tining at the end of May we had plenty of rain followed by Spain’s glorious sunshine which provided a perfect follow up from the course’s preparation, the greens and the fairway were excellent.

After our game we returned to the Mini golf bar close to Quesadas Arches for our presentation which was followed by plates of sausages chips with bread and butter provided by the bar which is very welcome when you have slogged around the golf course for a few hours especially with a few beers to go after the food.

On to our winners, our BF9 was won by Bill Peters with seventeen points and our BB9 being taken by Tim Cremins who scored fifteen points this is an extra competition separate from the winners who are excluded, both received bottles of wine, our nearest the pins were won by, on the third John Chatham the fifth being won by Steve Gilbert our guest Dave Honey took the thirteenth with Tim Cremins winning the sixteenth each receiving our customary sleeve of golf balls

In third place with thirty three points was Martin Collins playing off eleven but taking the winners spot because in first and second place were two guests who are excluded from taking any first prizes, Geoff Rees playing off ten with thirty five points and Dave Honey playing off ten also who was top of the bill with thirty seven points both guests receiving bottles of wine while Martin won a bottle of brandy

I must say thank you to Brian Jones for donating the Brandy and to Peter List and Barrie Hopkinson for donating the wine this enables us to put a more euros into our social fund, our soccer card was won by John Chatham who selected Arsenal, next months outing takes us to El Plantio.         

Busters Golf Society is a small friendly group of like minded people who play on the first Friday of the month.

Depending on the time of the year we generally have between sixteen and twenty four players , over the five years since we first formed the society some of our original members have moved on , either returned to their country of origin or have ventured to pastures new , so we are looking for a few more members to swell our ranks.

If you are interested in joining our society ( its free) then please email me Barry Grinsell at quoting your phone number and current handicap and I will get back to you within a couple of days

Barry Grinsell.

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