SAMM Golf Society: Tee 1
SAMM Golf Society: Tee 1

Another warm day 33ºC off-set by a 08:52 Tee off for the first game of the SAMM Golf Society. Campoamor, chosen for its ample fairways and excellent restaurant facilities did not disappoint.  After its low season hollow tining and top dressing it was lush with the greens in good condition.

Captain for this Game was Jim Anderson who, true to form won the nearest the pin prizes on the par 6th and 15th.  Steve Amor took the Stableford prize with 25 points and Bob Fergusson the longest Drive on the 18th.  Mandy Williams won Best Lady Golfer. Commodore, Dawn Morgan, was at hand to congratulate the players and present the prizes.  Campoamor restaurant, set in panoramic views, ushered in the after-game merriment with free drinks and everyone was a winner.

Next game La Serena 27th September 09:30 start 47€ for members and certificated sailors or 50€ guests.  Please mail .

SAMM – Sailing Association Mar Menor, offers dinghy to catamaran sailing, cruising, a motorboat plus racing and social activities.  If you would like to know more about us, go to our web site or email:

If you like sailing and golf in the sun, then SAMM is for you.

Caption: SAMM Golf Society: Tee 1