28 Montgo member’s play a Bogey Competition at Oliva Nova Golf Course sponsored by Caz Welch with an array of prizes.

We had 3 members returning after a long absence Glen Morgan, Georgie Turner and Barry Butler. Unfortunately Barry’s wife Liz was unable to join us and she builds up her strength a bit like her football team(Newcastle Utd). We did however have two Butlers playing who are not related, but the younger Butler did manage to hit the elder statesman Barry with a flying golf ball.

Todays winner was Glen Morgan with a score of 2 up on the course, our sponsor was 2nd but unable to claim her own prize this went to Stella Fox 1 up on the course, with Georgie Turner taking 3rd place with a level par score, just beating Keith Cottrell on count back.

Sally Burrowes and Geoff Willcock winning the Nearest the Pin prizes. We had no two’s today.

Next weeks competition is the first trophy competition of 2022. The Santanan Shield sponsored by that old Evertoni an Steve Crossan.