Following a number of cancellations and a car breakdown on the A7, just 19 members and 2 guests teed off on 10th. November in an individual stableford competition. The weather was cool and the skies overcast for the most part. As more often than not the course was generally in good condition.

As usual also the greens were mostly quite fast and true. The scoring, although not great, represented a general improvement compared with recent games. After the game as customary we returned to the Lo Crispin Tavern where the day’s prizes were distributed and welcome Tapas was freely supplied by the friendly staff.

Gold Division

1st. Place – Bill Croft 40 pts. off 17

2nd. Place – Ed Downing 27 pts. off 16

3rd. Place – Harry Wilcock 26 pts. off 17

Silver Division

1st. Place – John Dunnion 30 pts. off 21

2nd. Place – Padraig O’Brien 26 pts. off 20

3rd. Place – Janet Candlin 25 pts. off 34

N.T. P. on Par 3s

Hole 3 – Adrian Aspbury

Hole 6 – Bill Croft

Hole 12 – Steve Price

Hole 17 – Rod Pullen

Free Game Draw – Rod Pullen

As nobody managed to score a 2 the ‘pot’ was rolled over to our next game which will be our last ‘major’ of the year, the Nominated Pairs Competition, which this year will be held at La Finca on 24th. November.

Steve Harrington. ( Membership and Handicap Secretary)