Friday saw the playing of Montgo’s first medal competition of the year, sponsored by Dirk Knappe. Although the word ‘Medal’ strikes fear for some people, 17 took part including guests, Frank English and Kati Smitz.

The course was in great condition and the sun shone again. Sally Cottrell, recently returned from the UK and not playing much golf, had a fantastic score of nett 67, reducing her handicap to 10.3. Second, also with a great score of nett 70 was Gerian van Ooijen now playing off 6.3. Third with nett 74 was Alan Lowans.

Nearest the pins went to Sally, Gerian and Caz Welch. Sally, Geoff Willcock and Peter Gardiner had two’s.

We said goodbye for the summer to Clare and Brian Stringer and Dirk who are returning to Switzerland and Germany respectively.

Next week’s competition is a stableford sponsored by Ilona Mathieu.