Off to Altorreal for another late start. Some of us took advantage of the late start and filled up with a full English breakfast before we left El Raso and still had plenty of time before our 1st tee at the course. The weather was lovely to start but got a little cold towards the end. Unfortunately we had one injury on the course which resulted in retirement, but he still managed to play the remaining par 3`s. thanks to the staff at the course management for being understanding.

Results for this individual staple ford outing:  1st Buck Taylor – 45 points and a decent cut from handicap secretary. Runner up – Martin Morgan 31 points. 3rd Eric Owens – 28 points on count-back

Nearest the pins on par 3`s was Martin Morgan x 2, Nearest the pin in 2 on par 4, Andy Trefry. 2 `s club not won on the day so carried forward. Football card winners: Alan Snape

Thanks to Steve and his staff at the med bar and bistro for the lovely buffet provided, our next outing is at Mar Menor 24 April

Anyone wishing to join our society is welcome and we can either be contacted by e-mail at: or pop into the bar where all details can be left and we will get in touch with you

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