The first game of the 2018/19 season was a Texas Scramble with 44 players.
1st (60.7) Felix Mellon, Jeff Lynch, Steve Sayers & Ken Brett.
2nd (61.3) Colin Daye-Gretton, Jorge Martinez, Debbie Weedon & Tony Stanley.
3rd (61.4) John Barraclough, Vince Tocker, Gordon Bourne & Bev Evans.
‘NEAREST THE PIN’ hole (5) Glen Roberts, (11) Steve Yoxall, (15) Steve Yoxall, (17) Tony Stanley.
‘FOOTBALL DRAW’ (19) Stuart Allen, (69) Linda Lynch, (17) Gary Grierson, (23) Steve Sayers, (83) Jorge Martinez.
TOFFS SOCIETY played Tuesday 4th September 2018. First game of the season 2018/19, was the normal Stableford with 51 Players.
OVERALL WINNERS: 1st (39) Gordon Reed, 2nd (38) Lauraine Walker, 3rd (37) Alan Cowley, 4th (37) David Blanchette.
CATEGORY 1 Winners: 1st (35) Felix Mallon, 2nd (35) Gary Grierson.
CATEGORY 2 Winners: 1st (35) Margaret Perito, 2nd (35) Gerard McWilliams.
CATEGORY 3 Winners: 1st (35) Barry Wilson, 2nd (35) Claire Daye-Gretton.
NEAREST THE PIN: Hole (5) John Barraclough, (6) Glen Roberts, (7) Mike Gillett, (12) Ian Pegg, (15) Gerard McWilliams.
BEST FRONT NINE: (19) John Barraclough, BEST BACK NINE: (19) David Gregson.
FOOTBALL DRAW: (14) Alan Venables, (21) Jenny Cheetham, (66) Ian Pegg, (81) Dave Nicolls.
The photo shows some of the Eurogolf & Toffs Society winners who played on Thursday 6th & Tuesday 4th September 2018.
From left to right: Steve Sayers, Ken Brett, Linda Lynch, Jeff Lynch, Lauraine Walker, Colin Daye-Gretton, Tony Stanley, Debbie Weedon, Glen Roberts, David Gregson, Steve Yoxall and Barry Wilson.
Barry Wilson
The post The Eurogolf Society – Thursday 6th September 2018. appeared first on The Leader Newspaper.