After a couple of no shows (they will be dealt with) 46 members and guests made the hour long journey down the A7 to Altorreal to play a Stableford competition.

Greeted by a bitterly cold wind one could have thought that they were anywhere in northern Europe but certainly not SPAIN! AS Altorreal is exposed to the elements at the best of times it was looking to be a hard day’s work instead of a pleasant round of golf.

The course could be seen to be recovering from its winter hibernation with the fairways slowly turning back to green, no painted fairways here! The greens however were a little indifferent, some a little slow and others a little fast.

Unusually the Bronze category players seemed to fair the best with the 2 players breaking par came from that category. Results: N.T.P.´s Hole 5 J. Hettrick, Hole 8 H. Steele, Hole 10 V. Brown and Hole 17 Mrs. T. Roed.

The winners of the 2´s pot were H. Woerdemann and E. Sheridan taking home €19 each. Our best guest this week was E. Conduit with 32 pts. Bronze cat: 3rd G. Sorby 33, 2nd P. O´Dowd 37, 1st J. Dursley 39. Silver cat: 3rd B. Gillies 3o, K. Hunter 31, K. Houpalahti 33. Gold cat: 3rd H. Steele 32, 2nd H. Woerdemann 34, 1st S. Sonesen 35.

Dates for your diary: 11/4/18 Captain´s Day, 28/29 May 2 day golf trip to Albacete. All information regarding these events and more can be found at or on our Facebook Page TMGSGOLF our secretary can be contacted on 661 524 101

The post T.M.G.S. @ Altorreal (Murcia) 21/3/18 appeared first on The Leader Newspaper.