Firstly I’d like to thank everyone for supporting smiling jacks golf society. We had a great turn out of 26 players.

La finca was in excellent condition with lightning fast greens which gave a few players problems but all had a fantastic day out. We had some good scoring especially our new golfers.

A mention to Terry J who hit almost every tree on the course, unbelievable.

Nearest the pin in two on the 10th, you were all rubbish, especially me. Nearest the pin on the 6th was Craig singleton. Nearest the pin on the 13th was Gary Myers.

The football card was won by one of our new members John Rooney.

I would like to thank Nick Williams for giving out free golf balls to all our players, they were well needed.

In second place with 30 points was Nick Williams, well done.

This month’s Smiling Jacks Champion was Mojito Jack with 31 points. Well played on your first outing with the friendliest golf society on the strip.

Special thanks goes out Julie Shaw for providing 3 full slow cookers of sausage casserole with 40 home made authentic Yorkshire from a Yorkshire lass. We had some fantastic compliments about how wonderful the food was. Not a drop was left.

The next game will be on Thursday 7th January at Lo Romero latest time to arrive is 0945hrs.

See the Smiling Jacks Golf Society page on Facebook for details.

The post Smiling Jacks Golf Society at La Finca. appeared first on The Leader Newspaper.