SMGS at Las Ramblas 5th August, 2020

Las Ramblas has oft been described as a thinking man’s golf course. Unfortunately, a lot of our  members thought better of playing this difficult course hence the paltry turnout of 18 members plus 3 guests. Advocates of the course – a motley crew of low handicap players who are enchanted by the challenges of barrancas (ravines), bunkers and tree-lined fairways  – vainly endeavoured to blame Co-vid19 and the hot weather for the absence of their erstwhile companions.

On the plus side, the course was,as ever, in excellent condition (even the member who won a consolation bottle of wine for his pitiful score of 10 points agreed on this). Well-presented fairways and tip-top greens afforded our society every opportunity to score well, a task that proved a bridge too far for most.

As with many courses in this part of Spain, the perimeter consists of upmarket housing for adrenaline junkies who love the thrill of swimming in their pool, knowing that any moment an errant drive or shanked 5 iron could put them in a vegetative state. At the 17th hole, a resident in a rather fetching pair of speedos indulged in a bout of passive-aggressive staring after my playing partner’s drive morphed into a drone missile and almost took out a poolside sunbather.

A goose at the same hole was not so lucky. A worm-killing low drive from a committee member struck the bird on a lower limb (to be fair, he did shout ‘fore!’). Desiring to live, it hurriedly limped off into the foliage before the golfer could play his second shot.

It was a day of high drama. The Vega Baja Earthquake Monitoring Centre reported a tremor of 1.2 with its epicentre at Las Ramblas 14th hole. The prosaic truth was that a tad overnourished member had fallen into a barranca (after stepping into a hidden rabbit hole), suffering severe bruising to his body and ego. On a serious note, maybe Las Ramblas should consider roping off the most dangerous ravines as they constitute a clear risk to player safety.

Prizewinners owed their thanks to Mick Roscoe at The Property Shop and Leisa Geddes of Spanish Insurance, steadfast sponsors of San Miguel Golf Society.

Nearest the pin winners were: Phil De lacy, Darren Strugnell, Graeme Forbes, and Paul Thompson.

Silver Category: 3rd place – Lee Eastman ( the would-be sunbather assassin) on 28 points

2nd place – Phil De Lacy on 29 points (lost on count back)

1st place – John Rose 29


Gold Category: 3rd place – Darren Strugnell on 33

2nd place – Tony Smale on 38 (lost on count back)

1st place – David Rowe on 38

Abacus: Norman Padmore on 10 points.

Best Guest: Daniel Luijkx.

Our thanks go to the staff of Las Ramblas for a great day out. Next week, we play Roda and the week after we are at Font De Llop. Keep up to date with all SMGS matters by logging on to our website or simply give Captain Phil de Lacy a call on 711 03 2859.

The post SMGS at Las Ramblas 5th August, 2020 appeared first on The Leader Newspaper.