It looks like the summer emigres have flocked home in droves as 48 members and 3 guests turned up for the first game of the autumn at La Finca. Maybe they had a hint that they’d find the course in great condition, with greens that were holding but fast and smooth to putt on. These seem to have confounded several members who had become used to slower surfaces during August, but not so much those who have been away for a while.
The only drawback of a large field is the time it takes to process the results but the staff at the Corner Flag in La Finca plaza looked after us very well for the two hours we were waiting for the outcome. Thanks to you all. That said, maybe more shotgun starts would be welcomed by the members?

When the numbers had finally been crunched, it was clear that the higher handicappers found it hardest to score on a course that was playing long on most holes. Scores in each division certainly support this theory.
In Bronze, Norman Padmore (25) finished fifth, followed home by Sandra Dibble (27), Mike Kaylor (27 on CB) and Ken Flaherty (28). First place was deservedly won by Alan Maidment (31) whose sharp-shooting on the par 3s made the difference.
Silver division saw Ivan Hanak (30), Norman Cahill (31) and Phil de Lacy (31 on CB) slog it out for the minor placings, with Bjorn Petterson (34) losing out to Rod Wilcox for top spot on countback.
The Petterson dynasty also featured in Gold division, with Eva (32) taking fifth behind Darren Hancock (33), Mark Russell-Smith (34) and Barry Roehrig (34 on CB and local knowledge). First place went to Russell Bailey with 35 points … yes, he’s back and clearly still in need of a handicap revision. And a haircut.
Brian Taylor was the best guest and also the top scorer on the day with a sub-par 37 points. Thanks for joining us and congratulations on a very good round of golf.

The nearest the pin awards – sponsored by The Property Shop – went to Simon Speak, Brian Taylor and Alan Maidment. Not content with winning on the 13th, Alan went on to double his haul on the 16th hole. That’s just showing off.
Charles Jones perhaps likes black baseball caps and red wine which could explain why he was smiling wryly when presented with the Abacus award by sponsor Mike of Mike’s IPTV.
Captain Tony Smale didn’t feature in the prizes this week, which is unusual. He’s probably saving himself for a last hurrah on his final Captain’s day at the end of this month. Keeping under the radar, you might say.
Next week we’re at La Serena followed by Alenda on 18 September. We already have very full fields for both events but there are still a couple of places available. Book quick if you want to play! As always, to find out more about the Society and our upcoming events, visit our website or give our Captain, Tony Smale, a call on 639129223.
The post SMGS at La Finca. September 4th, 2019 appeared first on The Leader Newspaper.