Bright sunshine and a stiff breeze greeted the 27 members and 3 guests who moseyed on down to Hacienda Del Alamo for a Bogeys Medal game. The smaller than usual band of golfing brothers was probably due to the course being the second longest in Spain and the medal format which many golfers disdain.

Scoring was a tad unimpressive, best exemplified by Ivan Hanak’s 4 over par 76 stealing the show. While some members blamed the extraordinarily firm fairways and the recently spiked greens for the high scoring, others chose to invent different excuses.

The day’s results, by category and in reverse order, were the following:

Bronze Category: 3rd Chris Hamblett (84 CB), 2nd Kyree Skarsmoen (80) and 1st Mike Inns (78)

 Silver Category: 3rd Theo Boelhouwer (78 CB), 2nd Paul Kelsall 77), and 1st Ivan Hanak (76)

Gold Category: 3rd Bjorn Pettersson (79), 2nd Steve Locke (78 CB), and 1st Darren Hancock (78)

The committee’s cunning plan of creating a greater spread of nearest the pin winners – by allocating individual holes to each category and one hole for all players – went somewhat awry due to “confusion in the ranks, sah!” Darren Hancock won in gold and Bjorn Pettersson won the par 3 open all. Sadly, Bronze and silver awards were casualties of the chaos.

Best guest was Trevor Wignall with 84.

Winner of the Abacus was Brian Butler who last week was the winner of the bronze category. Had his strokes been cricket runs, his score would have had MCC members cheering from the rafters.

Our thanks to the staff at Hacienda Del Alamo for their contribution to the day.

Keep up to date with all SMGS matters by logging on to our website or simply give Tony Smale a call on 628227687 to find out more about the society and its weekly golf get-togethers. Next week we will be at Alicante.

The post San Miguel Golf Society at Hacienda del Alamo. March 7th, 2018 appeared first on The Leader Newspaper.