Today 14th August in more hot and humid conditions Montgo played a Medal Competition sponsored by Oliva Nova.

Showing everybody how it was done was our winner Ros Fletcher with a net 71, 2nd was Nigel Siddall with a net 76 pushing into 3rd place on countback Sally Cottrell who also had a net 76, 2 other players Mick Farmer and Stella Fox missed out on the prizes they also had net a 76.

There were 3 nearest the pins which were sponsored by Montgo and these were 3rd, 11th, & 16th. The lucky winners were Stella Fox who picked up the prizes on the 3rd & 11th and Robin Thatcher who won on the 16th.

Simon Fox was the only person to get a 2 today winning himself a coveted Montgo Ball

Stella also kindly gave 4 jars of her very sought-after marmalade for card draws and the lucky winners were, Richard Delaney, Keith Cottrell, Shane Fitzsimmons, and Richard Fox.

Our next competition is the Middleton Trophy a Stableford sponsored by Nigel Siddall

The post ROS WINS THE OLIVA NOVA CUP appeared first on The Leader Newspaper.