The latest golf society to join the bustling Costa fraternity has been in existence for rather less than 3 months in which time it has enjoyed almost half a dozen outings and attracted 24 members across the whole range of standards.

But what I find to be the most surprising aspect of it all is that Smiling Jacks, one of the most well established expat watering holes on the coast, has taken so long to form a society, despite many of it’s patrons discussing the matter for as long as I can remember.

But cometh the hour, cometh the man, and albeit 20 years after first opening, in Graham Shaw the bar has now found an individual willing to take on the mantle of society organiser.

Graham described the society as social and friendly. “We are a group of sportspeople who simply enjoy being in the great outdoors and as such we cater for golfers of all abilities from the very beginner to the single figure handicapper. We play at least once every month and the details are always available behind the bar. Prizes are always donated so the entry fees are kept to an absolute minimum.”

If you would like to join this most welcoming of society’s the next match will be played on 3 December at La Finca where a round of golf, a buggy and post match food back at Smiling Jacks, will cost a very modest 55 euro, not bad at all for a course where a current green fee is presently in excess of 100 euro.

More information is available on the Smiling Jacks Golf Society Facebook page or you can contact Graham on either 642 157 939 (WhatsApp) or by email at:

Alternatively you can simply add your name to the list behind the bar with payment to be made no later than the Monday prior to the outing.