By David Fotherinham

Was it luck or the shot of the day?  With his last effort of the round 21 handicapper John Feek got five points for it, during the Montgo Golf Society Stableford at Oliva Nova held on 12th April. From 108 metres John recorded a well-aimed “Eagle” on the par four 18th hole. It also turned out to be the only two recorded.   

On the par four 5th, Jimmy Fletcher and Ruth Strasser shot Nearest the Pins in two while Alan Webster and Gerian van Ooijen took the other Men and Women prizes on offer at hole 16. 

Patrick Lynch, the sponsor for the main competition and other honours, presented the winning prize for a very consistent 40 point performance from  Russ Peters(17).  Gerian struck again but two shots adrift. Nevertheless she outshone 37pointers from John Feek (his last hole score coming in handy) and Ruth Strasser.  

Visiting players with the Society were Peter-Gill Williams and Martin-Pamela Cooke, the latter taking the best guest award with a commendable 35 point card.   

Next week’s fixture is a ” Magic Three ” sponsored by Celia Cronin.

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