Sylvia Evans won with 36 points
Sylvia Evans won with 36 points

On Friday Montgo decided to take their A games to Foressos for an away day. 15 members and guest Chris Chapman took part in a stableford competition, unfortunately, most of us could only manage our B games.

Stella and Simon Fox also returned from the UK. With undulating greens and some longer holes than we are used to, the scores were interesting, but everyone enjoyed the day which was sponsored by the Montgo society.

Sylvia Evans won with 36 points and took the best ladies prize and Chris Chapman the best gentlemen’s prize with 31 points.

Second was Gerian van Ooijen with 35 points and Stella Fox third with 33. Nearest the pins prizes went to Nigel Siddall and Francien Knoops. Francien, Nigel and Geoff Willcock also had two’s.

Next week we will be playing for the Montgo Rose Bowl, sponsored by Stella and Simon Fox.