‘Mike Probert talks Golf - Daily Golf Federation Licence
‘Mike Probert talks Golf - Daily Golf Federation Licence

Sponsored by Costa Blanca Green Fee Services

Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions.

Daily Golf Federation Licence

Since moving here to Spain in 2004 resident and tourist golfers alike have complained to me about having to pay insurance at each golf course if you are not a member of the Spanish Golf Federation (where you pay an annual fee of circa €90) and also complained that in the Murcian community the fee is €3 each player and in the Valencian community it is only €1.5 each player

This is not strictly true because under the instruction of a royal decree non federated golfers must purchase a daily golf permit only part of which is the insurance element.

Things are about to change and sorry to say maybe not for the better!!!

seen a draft copy of a circular (18/2022) dated the 8th March 2022 from the Spanish Golf Federation, which, if I understand correctly will complicate matters further, especially for resident golfers.

The key points of this circular are as follows:

  1. The current daily federation licence will only apply to tourist golfers and this is clarified as a golfer without an NIE Number or TIE Resident Card.
  2. The compulsory insurance contained within the daily licence is the only insurance that covers civil liability caused by the golfer to persons or property.
  3. Golfers who hold an NIE Number or TIE Residents card don’t have to pay the daily licence fee BUT are expected to show that that they are members of the Spanish Golf Federation which includes the appropriate insurance cover.

So it looks like Spanish home owning golfers who are limited under the Brexit terms to the length of time they can stay in Spain and full Spanish residents will be forced to join the Spanish Golf Federation to play golf in Spain.

Clearly this throws up a numbers of questions like who monitors it all and what happens if a resident pays the daily licence fee and then has an accident?

For sure at a time when many golf courses are significantly increasing green fee prices this is the last thing that resident golfers need and may just drive some golfers off the golf courses.

I am sure that this issue has some way to run and will attempt to keep our readers updated as things develop and if these proposals are legalised and implemented by our local golf courses.

We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us:

The deals shown in the table are some of the best prices currently available to you:

Golf Course Price Comments
Alenda €150 Two Green Fees & Buggy
Alicante €100 Two Green Fees & Buggy (from 1.04pm)
Altorreal €120 Two Green Fees & Buggy
Bonalba €136 Two Green Fees & Buggy
Campoamor €158 Two Green Fees & Buggy
Don Cayo (Altea) €110 Two Green Fees & Buggy
El Plantio €100 Two Green Fees & Buggy (from 1.04pm)
El Valle €44 Single Green Fee (from 3.00pm)
Font Del Llop €158 Two Green Fees & Buggy
Hacienda Del Alamo €57 Single Green Fee
La Finca €163 Two Green Fees & Buggy (from 4.00pm)
La Marquesa €64 Single Green Fee
La Serena €110 Two Green Fees & Buggy (from 3.30pm)
La Torre €44 Single Green Fee (from 3.00pm)
Las Colinas €85 Single Green Fee (from 4.30pm)
Las Ramblas €109 Two Green Fees & Buggy (from 4.00pm)
Lorca €100 Two Green Fees & Buggy
Lo Romero €50 Single Green Fee (from 1.00pm)
Mar Menor €60 Single Green Fee
New Sierra Golf €82 Two Green Fees & Buggy
Puig Campana €124 Two Green Fees & Buggy
Roda €140 Two Green Fees & Buggy (after 3.30pm)
Saurines €57 Single Green Fee
Villaitana Levante €102 Single Green Fee
Villaitana Poniente €71 Single Green Fee & Buggy
Villamartin €133 Two Green Fees & Buggy (after 4.00pm)
Vistabella €164 Two Green Fees & Buggy (after 3.30pm)

For Bookings and more information contact Mike at info@costa-blanca-greenfees.com or direct on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 quoting reference LEADER.

Hollow Tine Watch: Las Ramblas, La Manga West, Alenda, Lo Romero. Villamartin, New Sierra Golf, Campoamor, Bonalba, Vistabella, El Valle, La Finca, Roda and Villaitana Poniente.