McCafferty’s Golf Society played el Valle golf course yesterday and as we arrived at the course we were greeted with a most unwelcome shower of rain and several loud roars of thunder… Thankfully it was all over in a few minutes and normal service of sunshine resumed thereafter…

Scoring was very tight on the day and 3 players tied on 33pts….with JJ.McGettigan prevailing on a countback from Blue Smith and Ernie(don’t let this grey hair fool ya) Wilson…

Winners on the day were…

1st.. JJ.McGettigan 33pts

Gold Div. 1st. Blue Smith.33pts. 2nd.Mick Phelan 32pts.

Silver Div. 1st.. Ernie wilson.33pts. 2nd. John Saunders.27pts.

NTP winners were: Hole 6..Blue Smith. Hole 9.Mick Phelan. Hole 15.JJ McGettigan.

No two’s were recorded so it’s a rollover for next Tuesday..

Our raffle winner on the day was none other than well known farmer and ex golfer Hughie  Flaherty who is holidaying in the area at the moment..

Finally…the happiest golfer on the day was our Capt Andy Brown who continued his tremendous run of consistency lately with yet another bottle of McCafferty’s finest vintage red.

Next week we return to the beautiful Mar Menor golf course…where we will all do battle again on Tuesday. Best of luck to everyone and remember if your in the area and fancy a game of golf and a beer afterwards..then pop into the bar and the ever friendly staff will put your name on the timesheet…

As ever, Marina and Judy looked after our hungers  and thirsts serving refreshments upon our arrival back at McCafferty’s…Many thanks for that guys..

An interesting sideshow to our weekly competition is the battle for our prestigious Order of Merit award and long time leader Barney McCaffrey was finally overtaken  by Mr Consistency himself Mick Phelan….this battle will no doubt run and run   and there is sure to be a few twists and turns before the title is decided…….Below is a  few wee snaps of yesterday’s winners….