The Society played its first ever competition at La Marquesa, which is perhaps a little surprising, in view of the relatively short distance between Lo Crispin and the course. Following a couple of last minute withdrawals 29 members commenced a 2 tee start at 9. 38. a. m to compete in an individual stableford competition.

The weather was good and remained so throughout the day. A number of members remarked on the poor state of some of the fairways and the inconsistency of the greens. Nevertheless, as usual most members seemed to enjoy the day.

The prize presentations and after game Tapas occurred as usual at the Lo Crispin Tavern and the following were the prize recipients:

Gold Division: 1st. Place – Dicky Claeys – 29 pts. off 8

2nd. Place – Brian Coultate – 27 pts. off 16(on ‘count back’)

3rd. Place – Gordon Cobb – 27pts. off 18

Silver Division: 1st. Place – Scott Blair – 31 pts. off 28

2nd. Place – Barney Barningham – 28 pts. 21(on ‘count back’)

3rd. Place – Janet Candlin – 28pts. off 33

NTP’s – Hole 5 – Ray Moles, Hole 11 – Harry Wilcock, Hole 15 – Karl Spendel, Hole 17 – Barney Barningham

The 2’s pot was won by John Dunnion, the only player who achieved a 2 on the day. The free game raffle was won by Geoff Dowsett.

The next main game is at La Serena on the 18th. April and the next interim game is at Vistabella on 11th. April. Anyone wishing to become a member or fancies having a game with us as a guest, should contact any Committee member, details of which are on the website.

Steve Harrington

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