Ably assisted by the fictional Albert our winners of Monday’s dreaded ‘yellow peril’ were Benedicte Kruse, Nora Betts and (surprise, surprise) myself. With a fine effort and a total of 154 points, we saw off the runners up by a margin of 16 points!

Wednesday’s Stableford was round three (of six) for The Club Championship. At this point I’m contemplating renaming this report ‘The Nora Betts Golf Society’ as she kept up her winning ways again and took 1st place (on countback from Joyce McClusky) with 38 points. Our president, Dave Pulling, came in third with a very credible 37. There were four 2’s today, Bryan Neal, Terry Cullen, Benedicte Kruse and (yes, you’ve guessed it) Nora Betts.

I alluded recently to the fact that my wife (Jenny) was drawing a picture of Seve and Jose Maria Olazabal. So, rather than including Nora’s ‘photo again this week, I’ve added a snap of me presenting the drawing to Emilio Naverrete (the general manager of Las Ramblas GC). It now takes pride of place behind the bar in the clubhouse.

Finally to Friday which saw us play a ‘Bowmaker’ (that is the best 3 scores from 4 to count). Surprisingly, Nora was not in the winning team today! First place, with 112 points, were John Shervell, his guest David Levy, Paul Brown and that little rascal, Albert.

Por ultimo, in the words of a certain Henry Beard, ‘When your shot has to carry over a water hazard, you can hit one more club or two more balls’.

Please visit our new website at lasramblasgolfsociety.com if you are interested in joining a friendly golf society or simply want to learn a bit more about us.

Pues, hasta la semana que viene

Peter Reffell

The post Las Ramblas Golf Society Results for w/c 25.3.19 appeared first on The Leader Newspaper.