Las Ramblas Golf Society - Results for w/c 10.8.20

A ‘Bowmaker’ made a welcome return on Monday. This is where the best 3 out of 4 scores are to count on each hole. With 117 points (128 is the record) Petina Murray, Joyce McClusky, Friedel Knebel (welcome back) and Nigel Price were our winners.

Petina was on the card for every hole and scored an amazing 45 points on her own! (I feel a rather large cut is coming her way). Just one point behind our winners were John Shervell, Mike Mahony, Bryan Neal and the fictional Albert.

It was very close at the top of the leader board for Wednesday’s individual Stableford. Lindsay Forbes (playing off 10) won the day with 39 points. He was followed by no less than 3 players on 36. After running the results through the computer Terry Field took second followed by Mark Western and then Bryan Neal. Three ‘2s’ today with Terry getting two of them and Friedel the other.

Friday and it was ‘Greensomes’ (you know by now what that is). Olga and Petina Murray won the day with a nett score of 71.4. John Dobson and Nigel Price took silver with 72.2, just easing out with 72.6, Lindsay Forbes and Reg Akehurst

Apparently there was a lady writhing in agony on the 7th green today. ‘Help me, help me’ she pleaded, ‘I need a doctor’. ‘Don’t worry’ replied her husband as he lined up his putt, ‘He’s on his way and should be here soon. Everyone is letting him play through’.

Pues hasta la semana que viene

Peter Reffell

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