Monday we played a 2 Ball Better Ball and the winners were Nick Campbell and Reg Akehurst with 46 pts. 2nd were Olga Douglas and Rod Doel with 44 pts.

On Wednesday it was the 2nd round of the Medal Competition and the resuts were as follows:

1st Brian Staines 71 Pts. 2nd Ann Marie Weisheit 73 pts. 3rd Olga Douglas 75 pts. 4th Peter Reffell 76 pts. 5th on a count back, Bryan Neal 76 pts. 6th Ken Robertson 77 pts.

2´s Club was a roll over from last week with one winner taking the Pot of 51 euros John Conway!

On Thursday we enjoyed another one of our monthly Lunches at El Prado, San Miguel.

Friday we were dancing to the Waltzer again and the winning team were Bryan Neal, John Conway, Ulrika Barth and Alan Douglas with a score of 91.

Mike Mahony

The post Las Ramblas Golf Society appeared first on The Leader Newspaper.