A new year, a new trophy and a new winner. We met on a gloriously sunny at Bonalba to compete for the above trophy. Overall scoring however, reflected the gale-force wind that we encountered.

Winner on countback of the silver division with a creditable 30 points was Tim Ruse but the winner of the gold division and the trophy, again on countback and by virtue of his recent handicap increase, was vice-captain Bill Stobo with 31 points.

Nearest the pin winners were Gerrard McCabe, Danny Divers, John Brastock and Tim Ruse.

The 2’s pot went to Gerry McCabe and John Brastock.

Our next meeting is at Roda on 18th January, first tee 10.00 at a cost of 40 euros. Please let Alan Craig know if you wish to be added to the list. Telephone 634347788.

Details of our first social function of the year, the valentines dance on 14th February, will be advised shortly.

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