26th August 2021 – Today’s game for the La Marina Golf Society was at the Vista Bella Golf Course and was the last one of the four-game Summer Cup Trophy.

The course with its many bunkers and thick rough proved difficult for some, but not for Gold Division winner Gerry MaCabe who finished the round with 42points.

Silver Division winner with 39points was Jeff Wiszniewski, nearest the pin winners were as follows; Alan Janes, Dave Moor, Alan Craig, and Rod Loveday.

The two’s pot was shared between Alan Craig and Jeff Wiszniewski.  The presentation dinner was held at the La Marina Sports Complex, where the members thoroughly enjoyed the meal and the evening was rounded off with Club Captain Geoffery Ettridge awarding the Summer Cup Trophy to Gerry McCabe,

Gerry’s best two scores from the four games, was 77 points, closely followed by Alan Craig with 76 points and Jeff Wiszniewski with 73 points.

A big thank you goes out to Helena, Paulo, Nicky, and the kitchen staff for making it a great evening, much appreciated.


Photo  left to right, Jeff Wisniewski, Geoffery Ettridge, Gerry McCabe