Our  first visit of the year to BonAlba resulted in a glorious day weather wise ,but the same could not be said of the scoring which, for the second competition running ,produced well below average returns.

However, some members did perform well ,and top score in the Gold section went to Captain Bill Stobo with 32 points.

In the Silver section the award went to octogenarian Bill England with   a magnificent return of 35  points. Like a good wine he seems to improve with age!!

Nearest the pins went to Geoff Ettridge, Jeff Boardman ,Danny Divers and guest Paul Hayward.

The TWO’S pot was shared by Danny Divers and Alex Leach.

Many thanks to Helena at the La Marina Sports Centre for providing us wth Paolo’s tasty homemade pizza and fries after the game.

Our next meeting is at Font Del Llop on March 7th, first tee 10.00 a.m at a cost of 50 Euros when we will be playing for the Helena and Paola Trophy. List is on the notice board as usual or contact Alan Craig on a100ac@yahoo.co.uk.

A reminder of our first Quiz Night of the year is on 12th March. Please contact Iain Lyall on 966393203 or 634326451 to reserve your places.

The post LA MARINA GOLF SOCIETY appeared first on The Leader Newspaper.