Photo right to left - Sarah Mc Cabe, Gerry Mc Cabe, Lyn Young
Photo right to left - Sarah Mc Cabe, Gerry Mc Cabe, Lyn Young

August 2021- An early morning start at the Lo Romero Golf Course saw the Members of the La Marina Golf Society compete in the 3rd round of the Summer Cup Competition.

The Golf Course was in its usual execellent condition and the greens were running true, which made for a great day of golf, especially for the Mc Cabe Family.

Gerry McCabe won the Gold division with 35 points, However, not only did Sarah McCabe win the Silver division with 40 points, but Sarah had also nearest the pin on holes 7 and 12,

and to round off the day won the two’s pot.  Not to be outdone Lyn Young did win nearest the pin on hole 15.

The final round of the Summer Cup will be at the Vista Bella Golf Course on the 26th August.

A big thank you to Helena and Nicky at the La Marina Sports Complex for our after-match refreshments.

Photo right to left – Sarah Mc Cabe, Gerry Mc Cabe, Lyn Young