Last week’s match saw Will Evan’s miss a simple 2-foot putt to take the 2s kitty was he waiting for this week to be added as he scooped the kitty with last weeks added to this week with a much longer putt actually from the fringe grass, well done Will.

4 nearest the pins this week were won by on hole 6 and 17 Steve Smith making it a regular affair now in getting close every week, hole 12 was Bill Diamond and hole 8 was DB but missed out on sharing the spoils of Monti’s 2s when missing a 18inch putt

Only one division this week but down to 6th place and it was Steve Smith on 33 points  5th was David French on 34 point missing on count back to Denis Coe also on 34 points.  3rd spot loosing on count back was Michael Taylor on 35 points but beating him was the other half of the Evans family Sylvia  the winner making it a total family affair was husband Will Evans  on 37 points and just to round of the day  Sylvia Evans took the football card.

We will miss you both!!!!!  as you set sail for France for a period of time see on the podium when you get back.

Alicante course was again in prime condition for this time of year but some very strange tee box positions!!

Next match is at El Plantio guests are very much welcome and should contact Michael Taylor on 639242896 or email

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