Wednesday 6 November – Levante Results

A slight chaotic start to this week’s game with late comers and change of game format at the last minute – but in good old Orba Warbler fashion, we all got on the course and had a great day even though Levante was putting up quite a challenge. One Division this with four NTP’s sponsored by Birthday Gal Sheila Dindar !

In 1st. David Edwards ( Hcap. 25.4 ) with 36pts. Coming close in 2nd. and 3rd. both with 35pts. on c/b was Barbara Pollitt ( Hcap. 24.3 ) and Peter Gibson ( Hcap. 24 ) respectively.

And in 4th. Steve Harrison ( Hcap.17.7 ) with 34pts.

4 NTP’s : Hole 3 – Glyn Braidley, Hole 7 – Barbara Pollitt, Hole 12 – Peter Gibson and Hole 14 – Dave Knight.

One 2’s was recorded by John Daniels on Hole 7.

The Football Card went to Steve Smith with Cardiff.

Thank you Sheila for the wonderful prizes.

First game in 2018 will be on Jan. 3rd. at Oliva Nova. First Tee Time 10:40am so please arrive by 9:55am for registration. Guests are welcome subject to space availability and Current Handicap certificate. To book, please contact Michael Taylor   on or phone 639 242 896.

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