The weather report threatened rain or as my mobile app said  “ a 40% of precipitation “  however this didn’t happen, the weather was very pleasant for November 5th.

We played our monthly game at La Serena which was in excellent condition, although the play was very slow as we were held up on almost every hole.

As we are approaching the end of the year with only one more game to go our Player of the Year leader board, has only 5 points difference between the lead and second place so it could be a close finish

Onto our results; our nearest the pins were taken by John Rush on the third, Barry Grinsell took the ninth with Peter List winning the fifteenth and last but not least was Martin Collins winning the seventeenth each received a bottle of wine that had been donated by Ian the boss of Little Leias

We had a tie for first place but losing to a better back nine was our President Barrie Hopkinson to Allan Collis both players scored thirty-one points, with Barrie receiving red and white wines and Allan taking home a bottle of brandy, our soccer card winner was Kjell Svenson who had selected Everton.

I would like to thank Ian, boss of Little Leias Bar in Calle Vigo, Quesada 03170 for providing the wine for these prizes.

Bar Little Leias, our sponsors, also provided us with assorted sandwiches on our return and presentation to their very pleasant bar, many thanks to Ian his staff for making a very tired and weary bunch most welcome on their return to the bar.

If you are interested in joining our small friendly society (its free) please contact me at  stating your handicap and phone or Whatsapp contact details.