Our March game took us to La Serena, a course with plenty of water to trap you should your shot be offline. However, a little course management does help if your game is on song.

We had seventeen players for our March game and as usual for Busters at La Serena we had a ball sweep of one Euro each with the closest to the number of lost balls winning the seventeen Euros pot, this being won by Terry Sharley who selected that eighty-four balls would be lost between us, he was only one out as the amount was eighty-three.

The weather conditions chose to be difficult with plenty of wind that could blow your shot off course, but a good day was enjoyed by all.

On our return to Little Leias bar close to Consum in Quesada for our presentation, we were welcomed by Little Leias staff who provided us with smiles and sandwiches. We greeted two new players to our society this month, they were Mark and Anita Stokes.

Onto our winners, NTP on hole three was Terry Sharley, the ninth hole being won by Rob Ashman none of our players managed to get on the green in one at hole fifteen with Ian Allison winning the seventeenth all received wine that our sponsors Little Leias provided so thank you, Ian, for the wine and sandwiches.

Our runner up with twenty-nine points and only beating Chris Soane on countback was Gilly Gilbert who received bottles of red and white wine also provided by the bar, however, our winning member on the day was Duncan Roberts with thirty points.

I must point out the best score on the day being thirty-two points and playing off a handicap of two, was obtained by our new member Mark Stokes who was playing his first game as a guest,

Finally, our soccer card winner was Rob Ashman who selected West Bromwich Albion.

Barry Grinsell secretary