For a small society, there was a very good turnout of twenty-four players for our President’s day. Our popular President Barrie Hopkinson had made sure our buggies were well watered and also provided a variety of many prizes.

I have to say that La Marquesa golf club, our venue for the day was in excellent condition. Barrie chose the first hole for the longest drive, he teed off first and hit a screamer down the middle which was unbeaten.

We returned to our sponsor bar Little Leias by Consum in Quesada for our prize-giving when Ian, Lisa, and the staff prepared a mixture of sandwiches for us, followed by a few liquid refreshments was more than welcome on this hot and sunny day, if you haven’t been to Little Leias bar your really missing out as the food there is delicious.

Onto our prize-giving where our NTPs who each received a bottle of wine provided by Little Leias. They were Allan Collis on the sixth, Pete List on the eighth, Nick Monks took the sixteenth with Terry Sharley our Vice Captain winning the seventeenth.

Barrie Hopkinson won the longest drive and also took the NTP in two on the fifteenth hole.

Best front nine winner with nineteen points was Rob Sherrat winning a bottle of wine that had been provided by Little Leias, the best back nine winner with eighteen points was Pete List.

In third place with thirty-three points winning again on count back from John Rush was our Vice President Ian Allison, our second-place winner being Nick Monks with thirty-five points, but our winner on the day with thirty-nine points (and a cut in handicap) was Steve Taggart.

We had one winner for our twos pot who was Phil Harris, our soccer cards were won by Nick Monks and Rita Ball.

Finally I would like to thank first Barrie Hopkinson for making his day one to remember and also our Sponsors Little Leias for looking after us on our return to their bar.

Barry Grinsell secretary Busters Golf Society