Although the sun was shining a cold wind took the edge off the first part of the day, but after we had played a few holes and the wind dropped we were lucky to play El Plantio in an excellent climate, the course and greens were in very good condition but the bunkers left a lot to be desired due to the previous bad weather.

We returned to our sponsors bar Little Leias in Quesada which is situated close to Consum supermarket for our presentation where Helen prepared sandwiches which along the wine as part of our prizes had been supplied by Ian the owner of this very friendly and pleasant bar.

Onto our results, our nearest the pins were taken by B. Grinsell on the seventh hole, our President B. Hopkinson won the ninth, the fourteenth was taken by K. Loughery with R. Ashman winning the eighteenth, for those that returned to the bar they were presented with bottles of red wine, in third place with thirty-two points was Chris Soane,

Malcolm Evans took second place with thirty four points but our winner on the day with thirty-five points was Rob Ashman winning a bottle of Reserva brandy that Busters provided, we had one winner in our twos competition being Keith Loughery the soccer card winner was Ian a guest of Keith Loughery’s.

If you are interested in joining our small friendly society (it’s free ) please contact me at stating your phone number, and handicap.

Barry Grinsell secretary