A cold and blustery wind took us to Vistabella for our December Stableford, this end of our year game is always a touch different as we have players jockeying for the final of our player of the year tournament.

Our game this December was made more difficult by the cold winds and occasional rain, I played alongside Rob Ashman whose excellent putting and some admirable recovery shots resulted in a score of thirty-six points, this held his lead giving him our player of the year award, well done Rob.

As is the norm we returned to Bar Little Leias (ex-Bar El Toro ) in Calle Vigo Quesada, for our presentation, our best front nine with twelve points were taken by Allan Collis and our best back nine winner was John Rush who scored an excellent twenty-one points, both taking home bottle’s of wine, in second place with thirty-three points was our Captain Martin Collins and our winner with thirty-six points was Rob Ashman both also taking home wine.

I must thank Ian and his staff for providing a warm welcome along with sandwiches on our return, also a thank you to Ian the boss of Little Leias for sponsoring our prizes. We had two, twos this game, sharing our twos pot were Ian Allison and Phil Harris, well done all winners and players on this very wintry day.

Busters Golf Society is a small friendly group of like-minded people who play on the first Friday of the month , depending on the time of the year we generally have between sixteen and twenty-four players.

Over the six years since we first formed the society some of our original members have moved on, either returned to their country of origin or have ventured to pastures new, so we are looking for a few more members to swell our ranks.

If you are interested in joining our society (it’s free) then please email me Barry Grinsell at bustersgolfsociety@hotmail.com quoting your phone number and current handicap and I will usually get back to you within a couple of days.

Barry Grinsell