For this months outing, we took the short journey from Quesada to El Plantio for our monthly Stableford game, the weather conditions couldn’t have been better a soft breeze and a warm sun on our backs gave us the good weather that we came to Spain for.

I have to say what a pleasure it was to play at El Plantio again as they had just held a two-day tournament there and the course, in general, was in excellent condition giving us greens that were very slick but true, with fairways and bunkers that had obviously been looked after.

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Bo Edman and Quenten Pegden as members to Busters. 

Now on to our winners, our best front nine was taken by Ian Allison with seventeen points and our best back nine being won by Helen Beddows both taking home Rioja wines, our NTPs were won by hole nine Helen Beddows the fourteenth was taken by Jim Stevenson, with Ian Allison winning the eighteenth all nearest the pins received sleeves of golf balls, in third place today was David Page with thirty one points winning a bottle of Rioja  our runner-up prize being taken by Ineke Stevenson with thirty-four points winning red and white wines  but our champion for the day with thirty-seven points was Jim Stevenson taking home a bottle of Gordon’s gin, well done to all of our winners our card winner this month was guest Tony Wilson who selected Rangers.

Busters Golf Society is a small friendly group of like-minded people who play on the first Friday of the month , depending on the time of the year we generally have between sixteen and twenty four players , over the six years since we first formed the society some of our original members have moved on , either returned to their country of origin or have ventured to pastures new , so we are looking for a few more members to swell our ranks, if you are interested in joining our society ( its free) then please email me Barry Grinsell at quoting your phone number and current handicap and I will get back to you within a couple of days

Barry Grinsell

The post Busters Golf Society appeared first on The Leader Newspaper.