Back to Vistabella for our March Home Game with a good turnout of players and good scoring. Weather getting back to what we are accustomed to. Course in good condition but very dry which gives the players an extra 30 or 40 yards extra run Our next game is at Altorreal on the 27th March with a tee off time 10.00am,  so please be there at 09.15am

Results: Gold Cat  1ST  M Hithersay 36pts  2nd R Smith 30 pts 3rd P Wilkinson 29 pts. Silver Cat 1ST K Hopkins 41pts  2nd R Nicholson 35pts 3rd G Knight  34 pts

Nearest The Pins: Hole 2 P Mutter, Hole 7 R Smith, Hole 15 Ken Hopkins

Longest Drive Rob Smith, Best Guest Noel Dempsey

We had a vote of thanks for Super Famous landlady Laura who served lovely Sausage and Mash, which was cooked by Super Chef Kevin and supplied by the St James’s Gate. Thanks from all members

Anyone who would like to join our friendly Society or just want a game on holiday give Rocket Ron a ring on 678 849 142 or email or see Kevin behind the bar.


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