Almost 50 members and guests turned up for our usual early start only to be greeted with strong winds very similar to last week’s visit to Alenda which had to be abandoned for that very reason.

However Campoamor being closer to the coast the golf course was playable. Members found that the course was playing almost its full length and that at long last the 6th green was now back in play.

The course was in good condition and what your saw as green was actually grass and not paint! The greens were extremely fast causing a few putting problems for some but all-in-all provided a good challenge. Note; we had one complaint, a certain member complained that he could not reach the greens on the long par 3’s it was pointed out to him that this is the reason that he receives 2 strokes on his handicap, not that he needs to be on in two (which he can) but three + 2 putts =5 nett 3, some people are hard to please.

The 2’s pot has been rolled and now contained €175 this was a belated Christmas present to our German member Hermes Woerdemann it was his first competition with us since last spring and he was the only player to make a 2, well done Hermes! Today’s results: N.T.P.’s Hole 4 C. Kinnerfeldt, hole 6 T. Norris, Hole 10 J. Dean, hole 15 NADA, hole 17 B. Gillies. Best Visitors; 2nd P. Lars 28 pts. 1st Mrs. C. Kinnerfeldt 30 pts.

Bronze cat: 3rd A. Goslan 28 pts, 2nd Mrs. K.Alm 28 pts. L/H, 1st J. Hillier 32 pts. Silver cat: 3rd A. Rickers 26 pts, 2nd J. Hettrick 31 pts. 1st A. Kilnes 36 pts. Gold cat: 3rd K. Winton 28 pts, 2nd C. Landaas 33 pts. 1st B. Gillies 34 pts.

Photo: Bronze cat winners. Checkout our new calendar for 2018 at

The post T.M.G.S. welcomes in 2018 at Campoamor  appeared first on The Leader Newspaper.