For this month’s meeting, our popular Captain Peter List chose Vistabella golf course, the course was in good condition and Peter had supplied drinks and fruit to aid our members on this hot summer day, we had eighteen players entered this competition and the scores on the day were excellent with twelve players scoring over thirty points.

The presentation was made back at our sponsor bar Little Leias close to Consum in Quesada where Peter and his wife Glenys had laid an assortment of snacks on, making everyone happy.

In our presentation, the winner of the longest drive of which hole three had been selected was Duncan Williamson, the nearest the pin in two on par four hole twelve was Barrie Hopkinson the nearest the pin on par five hole fourteen in three was Rob Ashman, our NTPs on holes two were Nick Monks, hole seven Ray Pollock hole eleven Rob Ashman and hole fifteen Martin Collins , our runner up with thirty-nine points was Terry Sharley and our winner who scored forty points was Chris Soane I have to say well done to all our winners and please note handicap cuts have already been made.

Many prizes were given out of which there are too many to detail. Finally, our soccer card winner with Coventry was Nick Monks.

Many thanks to Ian and his Staff at the ever-popular Little Leias bar for making everyone welcome on our  their return

Barry Grinsell Busters Golf Society