We played  Font de Llop golf course for our second game of 2022, eighteen members turned up to play on this warm winter’s day, I have to say it seemed like spring.

The staff in the pro’s shop at first wanted us to pay for two guests who were unable to play.

One was covid related the other was a shoulder injury. I did not have any notification from our members until our day of play, but Font de Llop said they require prior notification of any cancellations.

Unfortunately, covid doesn’t give us any warning when it will strike and the same applies to injuries, however, they checked it out with the course management and the matter was resolved we were not required to pay for the cancellations in question.

I am only bringing this to light in the hope that any golf courses who may read this will accept that times are different now especially when people have to self isolate if tested covid positive, it’s just not possible to give any prior notice of cancellation.

After the game we returned to Little Leias bar close to Consum in Quesada for our prize presentation, the staff prepared fresh sandwiches for us which along with liquid refreshment went down a treat.

Onto our results our NTPs were won by Bill Peters on the third, Allan Collis took the twelfth, Terry Sharley was nearest the pin on the sixteenth with Tony Wilson winning the seventeenth, those who returned to the bar won bottles of wine that had been sponsored by Ian the boss of Little Leias.

Second place winner was Terry Sharley with thirty-five points who also received red and white wines that Little Leias sponsored, so many thanks to Ian, our winner on the day with thirty-eight points (already cut) was Allan Collis.

We had one winner of our Two’s pot being Michael Lindstroem and our soccer card winner was Andy Coe who had selected West Ham.

Barry Grinsell secretary