12th January 2022 at Villamartin.

The course was in good condition, especially the greens. As usual a slightly chilly wind to start but all in all a perfect day for golf, which led to some great scoring from our members. Notably: Mick Semour must have thought he was top golfer with 41 points, only to be pipped at the post by a refreshed Mike Jordan, also with 41 points (after a layoff, been practising?).

Our scratch golfer, Mike Stott scored a very respectable 37 points despite turning up with a lukewarm putter. At least 4 birdy putts slipped by, next time Mike.

Our thanks to all the staff at Villamartin for an enjoyable (St Michaels) day.

Next week we are at Las Colinas. There are still a few places left so drop us an email if you fancy a game. Details on https://smgs.org/           


Overall Position                                                      

Division 1      

David Rowe  39 pts, Drew Niblock 38 pts, Mike Stott 37 pts C/B, Paul Thompson 37 pts

Division 2      

Johan Lager 40 pts, Rob Fyfe 38 pts, Colin Smith 36 pts, Phil de Lacy  35 pts              

Division 3      

Mike Jordan  41 pts C/B, Mick Seymour 41 pts, Martin Readman  37 pts, Gordon Wilson  37 pts

Nearies  : Kyrre Skarsmoen, Paul Guest taking the two’s pot and very generously buying all a drink. Mike Stott, Graeme Forbes

Abacus – John Humphrey