Buster’s golf society has been running since 2012, but until the last couple of years we never had a Captain or President, however over a meal and a couple of glasses of wine a couple of years ago we decided to change things.

Our first President is Barrie Hopkinson who chose to hold his day at La Marquesa golf club.

Barrie did himself and Busters proud, there was a selection of cold drinks waiting for us on the tenth tee with Lynn Allison our vice Presidents wife ready and waiting to pass them to our twenty entrants.

I have to say the extremely hot weather enhanced the flavours. As is the norm we returned to Little Leias bar by Consum in Quesada for our presentation, earlier Barrie had provided a current La Marquesa ball marker that was attached to everyone’s scorecard.

He also provided over ten prizes along with a cut-glass trophy for the winner, which was very generous of him, as there were too many prizes to note in this report I’ll just name the par three’s NTPs and of course the winner and runner up.

The NTPs were on hole 6 Keith Loughrey, hole 8 Joe Sheehan, hole 12 Gavin Kinsella, hole 16 Mark Kinsella and with our Captain Peter List winning the 17th each received a bottle of wine that had been donated by our sponsor Ian, the boss of Little Leias where our presentations are always held.

Ian also provided a selection of sandwiches for us all, in second place scoring thirty-six points and taking home a bottle of Baileys was our Captain Peter List but our winner on the day with thirty-eight points was Keith Loughrey who receive the trophy and a bottle of brandy our soccer card winner was Ailish Sheehan who chose Chelsea.

If you are interested in joining our small friendly society (it’s free ) please contact me at bustersgolfsociety@hotmail.com quoting your telephone number and handicap.

Barry Grinsell

Pictured from left to right Martin Collins past Captain, Barrie Hopkinson President, Keith Loughrey Winner and Peter List Captain.