23.04.21 – The format for this week’s game for the La Marina Golf Society was a Captain versus Vice Captain Match at the “El Plantio Golf Course”.

The weather was a bit cloudy as we Teed off and despite the weather forecast, it remained dry for most of the match, which was a great relief to all those who took part.

The temperature for the most part was a pleasant 18 degrees and the course was in decent condition with the greens running true.

The result was a close-run thing, with victory for Gerry McCabe our Vice Captain and his team with 246 points. Captain Geoffrey Ettridge and his team scoring 244 points.

The individual winners in the Stableford Competition were Jimmy Scott for Silver Division with 37 points and the Gold Division was won by Dave Slightam on 34 points.

The “nearest the pin” winners were, Louvain Smith on hole 7,  Alan Craig on hole 9, and Tony Ollier on hole 14.

Members wishing to play in the next Society game at “The Alicante Golf Course”, please let the Club Secretary know asap.